Pilon Coat-of-Arms
Normandy, France
17th century

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Pilon Photos
Except for the last photo, all photos were taken by the author on his first ancestral visit in Aug/03.

Antoine Pilon's House.  This house, on  258 Lakeshore Rd in Pointe Claire (Montreal), Quebec, was built in 1706 and still stands today.  It was occupied by four generations of the Pilon family for 120 years.  Restored in 1979 by Andre Charbonneau and who today still owns the property.  It remains as one of the oldest homes in Montreal.

Antoine Pilon's House.  Front of house, different angle.

Antoine Pilon's House.  Back of house.  The propperty is well landscaped throughout.  Back extension is an enlargement added in 1979.

Antoine Pilon's House.  Front door.  The property is well taken care of and a pleasant place to come "home" to.

Antoine Pilon's House.  Historical plaque at front of house identifying this property as culturally significant.  

Parc Pilon.  200m west of Antoine Pilon's ancestral home is riverfront Parc Pilon.  This plaque identifies Antoine as the founding pioneer of today's Pointe Claire, just west of downtown Montreal. Originally forest, then farmed under Antoine, the area became the City of Point Claire. Today the neighborhood is a  western suburb of Montreal filled with quaint shops and cafes well worthy of exploration.
Village of Pillon in Allemands, France (during World War I).

Credit:  www.notrefamille.com

Want to see your Pilon photos here?  I'll post them!  They can be of family, homes, land, headstones, whatever!  But please note.....

  • Must be a Pilon subject.
  • If of Pilon family, only older photos please, say pre-1920.
  • If not a managable file size, like under ~300x300pixels or ~100Kb, I reserve the right to modify.
  • Who owns the photo/who do I give credit?
  • Include a brief description of the photo (who, where, when etc).

E-mail me at - pilon eol.ca.

Copyright © Ken Pilon. All rights reserved.